Welcome to Semester 4, bismillah.
I've trough everything on college, great lecturer,smart guys,and anything that made me more smart,more open minded,more mature and so much more <3
about friendship?? I ever said that "Friend Doesn't Exist" why? because I think when was that time you needed him/her so damn much,but him/her wasn't there. no excuse anymore,if they're really your best friend,they was there no matter how hardly they to meet you. no matter how bad the situation made them. no matter how ugliest their mood. they always there for us,everywhere :-)
I think someone's behavior can helps it,explain or describe how be a best friend....like this ! I've one best friend.it's like bomb,cool sounds but it's real ! I'll take the photo about her! when we're together,she's looks beautiful and exotic skin!wawwwww hhehehehe:p
wait for a while,just a minute .. she's so critic,sexy brain (it's she's words) wkwwkwk :p
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